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You all know that I am a psychotherapist who also wears a magic hat, and that I love magic.
And believes that magic is something you can learn to create in life, and not wait for a magician or omniscient therapist for magic to happen in life.
So, you probably understand how happy I am to teach you this wonderful collection of tools – designed both for self-treatment, and for self-use, as well as for effective and applied integration in the clinic.

What's on the menu

Access Bars one day training
A day workshop to learn energetic therapy and learn tools for erasing patterns, anxieties, and old beliefs. During the treatment itself – a lot of unnecessary energy is released, and then, as in "magic", new possibilities are created in every area of life.

The Foundation Class
Imagine that you are walking the paths of life, and you have everything you require for every situation. When at any given time you pull out this specific tool that fits, like in those adventures’ games, exactly what you needed.